Thursday 19 February 2009

message*2: reels ?

=====================================================Est ce qu'on etend "Discipline & Disorder" aux films, sur le meme simple principe? je le voulais au depart et puis j'ai laisse tomber, surtout par peur d'etre indonde de films et trop pauvre en bouquins? vos idees en "comment"... on verra.


  1. absolument! I admire this blog, because of it's attiude. one of these days I was dreaming that it could become cineaste, but resisted of writing a comment just because of the same reason - fear that books would go in to shade.
    still, I guess, it's worth trying. the idea of reading and sharing movies with the same attitude is too exciting.
    btw. I would love to read "Qu'est ce que vivre ?" if a proposal of giving a scanned version still stands.

  2. despite probably being 'persona non grata' along your pages, lemme just say i think it's not such a good idea to extend the blog topics to the big screen.

    inmenso despilfarro. rather... not a waste in itself. just... "qui trop embrasse, mal étreind" comme diraient mes grands-mères.

    blogs on books ? blog on books ! not blog on books first, then blog on books andreels... after ? blog on books, then blog on books andreels and then albums reviews ?... and then again, blog on books and reels and album reviews and exhibitions... so now what ?

    oui je suis probablement réactionnaire. j'assume.

    would look like a marketing plan. well, me thinks. ça ressemblerait par trop aux "matrices de croissance" de boris ansoff... enfin, ce que j'en dis moi ! ;-) bon, je vous laisse, je vais relire l'interview onfray / sarkozy.

  3. about "que vivre?". scan will be sent to you tomorrow...

    tiphaine, style vs spontaneite... pas facile hein?

  4. what do you mean ? ya wanna know what part of me is fake, which one is real ? like it was of interest (to you or anybody else ! xD !)

    don't mention my first name, general 'small cat', will you ? here or anywhere else, general 'small cat' again. i forbid you or anybody else to do so, get it ? easy to have my prive mail, so... help yourself. i don't like publicity. i'm a sort of shadower. rather: a man in the shadow. an "éminence grise".

    as you may have noticed, i destroyed my cloned blog, and made another one of my very own, under the same moniker er, umbrella. you know the song 'my life' by tammy banks ?... well, my life. (post coming on edward goltsman's bottom line though: it's in the tubes...)

    fany was definitely right putting me in my place again. this, i do not protest. still, my flaming reaction was also perfectly justified and fitted - well me thinks. my angers never last long. i know the meaning of apologize.

    so... where starts cloning, where stops admiration ? is it evil, fine, good, bad to have respect and admiration to some ones - not to someone.

    la culture m'a rendu orgueilleux. this i know. et aigri d'avoir juste des parents cadres moyens qui se sont contentés de me pousser à faire au minimum un bac+5. "c'est pas grave si tu fais pas un doctorat". mort à la bourgeoisie de province et d'ailleurs.

    btw, any opinions e/o suggestions as regards my very own ideas ?

    all opinions welcome. but insulting posts.

    oh, to end it up: my profile says. i sadly learnt i was bipolar... energy vs limpness... overjoy vs dispair... my blog says it all.

    last word: tu es marrant en fait ivan xD ! je ne savais pas que tu avais de l'humour.

    merde, tu es juste un humain ? je suis très déçu !
