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Disorder in Discipline-

Thursday 22 September 2011

Joel Meyerowitz, Wild Flowers, 1983

"From nearly twenty years now I've tended to this garden in the streets and parks and cities I have visited or lived in. For a while I didn't know that I was making a garden. I was simply doing what gave me pleasure. I went out walking, wherever I was, and looking, and laughing and taking it all in - with a sense of wonder - the endless supply of things there is to see ! I have found that I can stop almost anywhere, and if I watch carefully, something of interest will emerge from the tumult or the void in front of me - but only if I give it all my attention. Only then might the humble everyday gesture turn into the sublime before my eyes.
I like doing this - going out into the streets - prepared, with desire and a machine wich is perfectly suited to the task of taking it in. The camera, like the flicker of an eyelash, effortlessly interrupts time, stops it and holds it forever. It takes cuttings of hundredths of a second and transplants them on film, and later in our minds, to grow there if they can.

Joel Meyerowitz, Wild Flowers, New York Graphic Society Books, 1983

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